Emile Gallé "Lamp"
Emile Gallé "Lamp"
With the invention of the light bulb, Art Nouveau master Galle's glass art gained light and opened the door to a world of sublime. "Beautiful land of light" that Galle talked about in his later years. What was he looking at in the light of this lamp? Please read the blog as well.
Product information
Artist: Emile Gallé
Title : Table lamp
Size: 27 x 13 cm
Remarks: Signed
Emile Gallé
Galle has made a name for himself as a master of Art Nouveau, having developed an unrivaled uniqueness in the glass and furniture category and won the Grand Prix at the Paris Expo. From a young age, he greedily studied a wide range of art, including classical, medieval, baroque, rococo, and even Islam, China, and Japan. In particular, he was greatly influenced by Japonisme, and gained popularity by producing splendid works incorporating natural motifs such as insects, birds, and grass, as well as the composition that Ukiyoe.
(From the Seiryudo caption)